Looking for all 19 bosses in Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 6? The expansive final chapter takes a unique approach, shaking up the typical semi-linear progression. After defeating the first boss in Chapter 6, Mount Huaguo transforms into a massive, open-world environment, where you can traverse the landscape at high speeds using the new Somersault Cloud Spell.
While this newfound freedom is exhilarating, the vast scale of the area can make locating all the bosses in Chapter 6 a challenging task. That's why we've focused on creating this Chapter 6 boss guide, designed to help you track down each of the 19 bosses in this final part of Black Myth: Wukong. We'll also cover the optional secret endgame boss, Erlang, and the additional bosses that are part of this endgame quest, ensuring you don't miss any crucial encounters before finishing your playthrough.

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 6 bosses
- Supreme Inspector
- Jiao-Loong Of Waves
- Son Of Stones
- Poison Chief 1
- Poison Chief 2
- Poison Chief 3
- Poison Chief 4
- Lang-Baw-Baw
- Cloudtreading Deer
- Gold Armored Rhino
- Feng-Tail General
- Emerald-Armed Mantis
- Water-Wood Beast
- Giant Shigandang
- Erlang, The Sacred Divinity
- The Four Heavenly Kings
- Erlang Shen
- Stone Monkey
- The Great Sage's Broken Shell
Supreme Inspector

Location: Foothills / Verdant Path
About boss: The path from the start of Chapter 6 leading to the Supreme Inspector fight is relatively straightforward. You'll face a few Soldiers as you make your way to the "Verdant Path" Keeper's Shrine. Once there, proceed into the clearing just ahead of the Shrine, where the Supreme Inspector awaits, kicking off the Chapter’s boss battles in dramatic fashion.
What makes the Supreme Inspector challenging is the unpredictability of his attacks, requiring you to master his attack patterns. He can also parry your moves using his hardened wings, but don’t let that deter you from staying aggressive. A great strategy is to immobilize him and follow up with a Charged Heavy Smash, or use something that delivers heavy damage quickly, like the Wandering Wight Spirit. In the second phase, when the Supreme Inspector unleashes his flaming wheel attack, Cloud Step is perfect for dodging and repositioning yourself out of danger. It’s one of the toughest fights in the game, so expect it to take several tries.
Jiao-Loong Of Waves

Location: Foothills / Verdant Path
About boss: Jiao-Loong of Waves is the next boss you'll encounter after defeating the Supreme Inspector. Once you've unlocked the Somersault Cloud Spell and can soar through the air, use it to cross the gap in front of you beneath the massive chains. Continue straight off the cliff’s edge and descend into the pool of water below. Once you land, dismount the Somersault Cloud, enter the lake, and Jiao-Loong of Waves will emerge from the depths to challenge you.
Following the Supreme Inspector fight, Jiao-Loong is a much easier opponent. With relatively low health, predictable attack patterns, and a tendency to be easily overwhelmed, this boss won’t take long to defeat. You can use any strategy you prefer—I personally took him down quickly by combining A Flock of Many with lightning-charged attacks from my Golden Lining Transformation.
Son Of Stones

Location: Foothills / Verdant Path
About boss: Son of Stones is one of the most easily recognizable bosses in the Foothills of Mount Huaguo. This massive stone figure can be found lounging at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the vast waters that dominate the region. To locate him, fly above the Jiao-Loong of Waves lake and, with your back to the Supreme Inspector’s arena, you should easily spot Son of Stones off in the distance to your left. Approach him, and simply start attacking his backside to initiate the fight.
Once you engage him, Son of Stones will initially swipe behind him a few times before deciding you’re enough of a threat to turn around. As he rises, you can attack his legs while carefully dodging his slow but hard-hitting moves, similar to other large bosses in Black Myth. Be mindful that Immobilize won’t work on him, so it’s best to focus on dodging his attacks. Watch for his lightning area-of-effect move—it's easy to avoid, and after performing it, Son of Stones will collapse in exhaustion, giving you a prime opportunity to land some Charged Heavy Attacks.
Poison Chief 1

Location: Foothills / Verdant Path
About boss: There are four Poison Chief minibosses hidden throughout the Foothills in Chapter 6, and they can be quite tricky to locate as they blend into the environment, appearing as large rock formations until you approach them on foot. To find the first Poison Chief, start by flying over the Jiao-Loong lake once more, as it's a helpful reference point for many boss locations. From there, look to your left for another lake, situated slightly higher up and nestled against the cliffside. You’ll recognize it by the small island in the middle. The first Poison Chief can be found resting in a small clearing near the lake.
Poison Chief 2

Location: Foothills / Verdant Path
About boss: The second Poison Chief in the Foothills is tucked away in the forested region to the right as you leave the Supreme Inspector's location. To reach it, take flight above the Jiao-Loong Of Waves lake, then ascend over the highest peak on your right, slightly behind you. This route will lead you straight to a dirt clearing nestled in the heart of the forest. Land there, and you'll find the second Poison Chief waiting.
Poison Chief 3

Location: Foothills / Deer Sight Forest
About boss: To easily locate the third Poison Chief, start at the Supreme Inspector's area and make your way towards the vibrant red trees visible in the distance ahead. This area, home to the "Deer Sight Forest" Shrine and the Cloudtreading Deer boss, will be your destination. However, on the way, you'll pass a small dirt clearing within the forest on your left. This is where the third Poison Chief resides.
Poison Chief 4

Location: Foothills / Deer Sight Forest
About boss: The fourth and final Poison Chief in Chapter 6 is located close to the "Deer Sight Forest" Shrine. From the Shrine, fly up and to the right, facing the Cloudtreading Deer arena. You'll come across a forest atop the adjacent cliff. Once there, fly over the twisted tree perched on the rock in the center of the forest. Just behind it, you'll discover a grassy clearing where Poison Chief 4 awaits your challenge.

Location: Foothills / Deer Sight Forest
About boss: Lang-Baw-Baw is the ultimate frog boss in Black Myth: Wukong and marks the final step in the Tadpole side-quest, where you unlock the rare mythical Spirit, Baw-Baw-Lang-Lang. To find Lang-Baw-Baw, follow a similar path as when locating Poison Chief 3: head straight from the Supreme Inspector area towards the red trees in the "Deer Sight Forest." However, when you reach the third Poison Chief's dirt clearing, turn right instead of left and head towards the lake at ground level. You'll spot another dirt clearing by the edge of the lake, near the base of a cliff. Land here, and Lang-Baw-Baw will emerge to challenge you.
Unlike previous frog bosses, Lang-Baw-Baw offers a tougher fight. While he has the familiar frog moves like the tongue lash and backward kick, he adds a twist with his stone skin form that repels melee attacks. While you can still deal damage, it’s minimal, so it’s better to wait for the stone form to wear off while using your Transformation. Once it fades, unleash powerful combos like Immobilize followed by high-damage strikes.
Upon defeating Lang-Baw-Baw and completing the frog bosses from earlier chapters, you’ll gather enough Tadpoles to upgrade the Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Spirit at any Shrine. Fully upgrading this Spirit transforms it into Baw-Baw-Lang-Lang, a Mythical-level Spirit that lets you take the form of different frogs, each with unique abilities. This powerful Spirit will now be at your disposal!
Cloudtreading Deer

Location: Foothills / Deer Sight Forest
About boss: The Cloudtreading Deer is the first of four essential bosses you must defeat to collect pieces of Sun Wukong's armor, a key step before facing the final boss. Fortunately, finding this boss is straightforward—just head toward the red trees in the distance, frequently mentioned in previous sections. Before engaging in the battle, it’s a good idea to rest at the nearby "Deer Sight Forest" Shrine to prepare. Once you're ready, touch down in the arena to initiate the fight with the Cloudtreading Deer.
Of the four key bosses (bosses 9-12), the Cloudtreading Deer is arguably the most challenging. Interestingly, its first phase poses more difficulty than the second, mainly due to the frustrating whirlwinds that chase you and deal significant damage if they hit. Mastering the Cloud Step ability is crucial in this phase, as it grants the mobility needed to outrun the whirlwinds and maintain pressure on the Deer. Once you’ve drained its first health bar, the boss transitions into a second phase, where it replaces whirlwinds and frost with poisonous blood pools and projectiles, which are far easier to manage.
Gold Armored Rhino

Location: Foothills / Rhino Watch Slope
About boss: The Gold-Armored Rhino resides in a spacious battlefield atop a cliff near Lang-Baw-Baw's arena. You can spot it easily if you fly high along the same path leading from the Supreme Inspector area toward the forest of red trees. Before engaging in battle, make sure to rest at the "Rhino Watch Slope" Shrine nearby to prepare yourself.
At first, the Gold-Armored Rhino's heavy armor will deflect most of your attacks unless you target its rump or the far sides. However, the real strategy is to fully charge a Heavy Attack to the third or fourth focus point, then release it directly at the Rhino’s head to shatter its horn and temporarily remove its armor. Once the armor is gone, the Rhino becomes much more vulnerable to your attacks. It will eventually regain its armor, so you'll likely need to repeat this process two or three times to defeat it. If you're struggling to land hits on the horn, try using Immobilize to get an opening!
Feng-Tail General

Location: Foothills / Mantis-Catching Swamp
About boss: The Feng-Tail General is a massive beetle that can be spotted leaping across the Chapter 6 map periodically, shaking the ground and screen when it lands nearby. To reach this boss quickly, start at the "Mantis-Catching Swamp" Shrine, then turn around and fly toward the spot where it first appears, near the edge of the Water-Wood Beast lake.
This boss stands out from others in *Black Myth: Wukong* as it functions more like a puzzle or skill-check rather than a traditional battle. You can't harm the Feng-Tail General with standard attacks. Instead, the key to defeating it involves riding on its back—quite literally.
To conquer the Feng-Tail General, use the Somersault Cloud Spell to land on its back, then interact with its antennae. This will initiate a sequence where you must hold on as it jumps three times. It's a Stamina test, and if your Stamina runs out, you'll fall off and have to start over. You'll need around 300 Stamina to make it through this phase.
After the third jump, another skill-check begins—this time involving your Health. Holding onto the antennae will burn you, draining your HP over time. To survive, you’ll need substantial health and a good amount of Scorch Resistance. However, there's a simpler solution: activate the Fireproof Mantle just before this phase to negate the damage and complete the challenge, which will ultimately defeat the Feng-Tail General.
Emerald-Armed Mantis

Location: Foothills / Mantis-Catching Swamp
About boss: The Emerald-Armed Mantis is the final boss you must defeat before facing the ultimate challenge in *Black Myth: Wukong*. This boss only appears after you've eliminated the three preceding key bosses:
- Cloudtreading Deer
- Gold-Armored Rhino
- Feng-Tail General
Once you've defeated these three, head over to the "Mantis-Catching Swamp" Shrine, where Zhu Bajie will be standing nearby. Interact with him to trigger a cutscene that transitions into the Emerald-Armed Mantis boss fight—set uniquely within Zhu Bajie's stomach.
The defining feature of this battle is the Mantis's extended and perilous combo attacks, which become even more dangerous as his health drops below two-thirds. To counter his moves, you can utilize either Cloud Step or Rock Solid—both Skills are effective at interrupting his attacks and leaving him open for heavy damage. If things get too intense, don't hesitate to activate your Transformation for added protection. Overall, this fight shouldn’t be as difficult as the Supreme Inspector or Cloudtreading Deer encounters.
Water-Wood Beast

Location: Foothills / Mantis-Catching Swamp
About boss: There are several Water-Wood Beasts scattered across the lakes in Chapter 6, but only one of them is the true Water-Wood Beast boss. You can find it in the lake behind the "Mantis-Catching Swamp" Shrine, close to where the Feng-Tail General first appears. Initially, you'll notice just a cluster of bubbles rising from the water’s surface—approach this spot, and the battle with the massive hippo-like Water-Wood Beast will begin.
This boss is tougher than you might expect. It's significantly larger and more dangerous than its smaller counterparts throughout the Foothills, with a somewhat tricky hitbox around its jaws that can make the fight more challenging. When the Water-Wood Beast is submerged, its attacks deal devastating damage, so utilizing Cloud Step or Rock Solid can help negate this threat. Stay near its hind legs while it's above water, using Immobilize to lock it down for sustained damage. If you can stagger it, you'll have the chance to land heavy blows, eventually securing your victory.
Giant Shigandang

Location: Foothills / Mantis-Catching Swamp
About boss: The Giant Shigandang is by far the largest boss in *Black Myth: Wukong*, towering over any other enemy in the game. It's also cleverly hidden, both by the environment and the requirement to gather specific items across previous Chapters. To make the Giant Shigandang appear in Chapter 6, you'll need to collect the four Skandha items from earlier in the game. Here's where to find them:
- **Skandha of Form (Chapter 1):** Interact with a head-shaped rock along the riverbank in Back Hills.
- **Skandha of Feeling (Chapter 2):** Defeat Shigandang by collecting all six Buddha's Eyeballs.
- **Skandha of Thought (Chapter 3):** Jump off the cliff next to the "Mindfulness Cliff" Shrine and follow the hidden path.
- **Skandha of Choice (Chapter 4):** Loot the Buddha head found at the end of the river in Purifying Spring.
After gathering all these Skandha items, head to the "Mantis-Catching Swamp" Shrine in Chapter 6. From there, fly up to the nearby clifftop and follow the central path through the ravine. Soon, you'll reach a massive arena where the Giant Shigandang awaits.
When the battle starts, fly down to the ground immediately, as the boss's roar will knock you off your Somersault Cloud, and a fall from great height could be lethal.
This fight isn’t a typical one—you won’t be able to engage the Giant Shigandang directly because of its sheer size. Instead, stay just beyond its arm reach, dodging the shockwave attacks. Wait for an opening when it rests its arm on the ground. Rush in and aim for the glowing blue crystals on its arms with your heaviest attacks. Breaking a crystal causes huge damage. Repeat this process, and the boss will go down quicker than you might expect.
After defeating the Giant Shigandang, climb up its arm to trigger a cutscene where you'll obtain the fifth and final Skandha item: the Skandha of Consciousness. Bring all five Skandha items to Xu Dog in Zodiac Village, and he will reward you with a Celestial Pill that boosts all of your attributes at once. Quite the prize!
Erlang, The Sacred Divinity

Location: Secret: Mount Mei / Mei-Jian Peak (Chapter 3)
About boss: Erlang is arguably the most iconic boss in Black Myth: Wukong and often referred to as the game's "secret ending." While he doesn’t appear directly in Chapter 6, unlocking his fight requires progress up to this point, which makes him one of the toughest challenges you’ll face. Many consider Erlang to be the hardest boss in the game, making his defeat a rite of passage for those seeking to master the game.
Steps to Unlock Erlang, The Sacred Divinity:
- Ring the three Bells in Chapter 1 to unlock the Ancient Guanyin Temple.
- Defeat Elder Jinchi in the Ancient Guanyin Temple to obtain the Fireproof Mantle Vessel.
- Complete the Drunken Boar questline in Chapter 2 to unlock the Kingdom of Sahālī.
- Defeat Fuban in the Kingdom of Sahālī to gain the Wind Tamer Vessel.
- Defeat the Green-Capped Martialist in Chapter 3.
- Defeat the Venom Daoist twice in Chapter 4 to unlock the Purple Cloud Mountain.
- Defeat The Duskveil in Purple Cloud Mountain to receive the Weaver’s Needle Vessel.
- Defeat all four Cart enemies in Chapter 5 to unlock Bishui Cave.
- Defeat the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast in Bishui Cave.
- Defeat the Yaksha King in Chapter 5 to acquire the Plantain Fan Vessel.
- Enter the Great Pagoda in the Pagoda Realm of Chapter 3.
- Approach Maitreya in the Great Pagoda room to unlock Mount Mei.
- Follow the path in Mount Mei to reach the "Mei-Jian Peak" Shrine.
- Climb the hill to face Erlang, The Sacred Divinity.
In short, you must collect all four Vessels and defeat the Green-Capped Martialist in Chapter 3 to unlock Erlang’s fight. Many players choose to tackle Erlang right before facing the final boss for an additional reward: a special animated cutscene before the credits.
The Battle Against Erlang
Erlang is a formidable challenge, with his fight being the toughest in Black Myth: Wukong. His poise meter lets him resist most attacks until you manage to break through. Expect long, hard-hitting combos, tricky attack timings, and the ability to sidestep your Charged Heavy Attacks with ease. The battle consists of three distinct phases:
- Phase One: Erlang uses standard melee attacks while his poise meter remains active, making it difficult to deal damage until you wear him down.
- Phase Two: Erlang gains new, lightning-infused attacks, wielding various weapons like an axe and a sword, making his moves much more unpredictable and powerful.
- Phase Three: Erlang creates duplicates of himself that shoot beams and unleash a barrage of projectiles, requiring you to be agile and precise.
Essential Tips for Defeating Erlang:
- Use the Plantain Fan at the start of the fight and whenever necessary to deplete Erlang’s poise meter. This is a critical strategy for the battle.
- Equip the Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Spirit, especially when fully upgraded. It deals significant poise damage while keeping you safe.
- Prepare the Flower Primes Soak in your Gourd to remove the Shocked status effect whenever you drink.
- Obtain Jingubang from the Water Curtain Cave. This is the most powerful weapon available and ideal for this fight.
- Cloud Step frequently to avoid damage and heal; it’s especially helpful during Erlang’s projectile barrage in the third phase.
- If you use Transformation, Erlang will transform into a white Tiger for a single leap attack. Dodge it to avoid being forced out of your transformation, and you’ll have the upper hand again.
- The Azure Dust Transformation is surprisingly effective against Erlang, as he tends to stay still, allowing you to land hits easily. However, some players prefer not to rely on this strategy as it can feel unbalanced. The Golden Lining Transformation is a good alternative, offering fast dodges and parries while dealing substantial damage.
With perseverance and a solid strategy, you can overcome this incredible challenge and enjoy the satisfaction of unlocking Black Myth: Wukong’s secret boss battle.
The Four Heavenly Kings

Location: Secret: Mount Mei / Mei-Jian Peak (Chapter 3)
About boss: The Four Heavenly Kings boss is technically just the second phase of the Erlang boss fight that precedes it. If you want to group them together, that's perfectly fine, but I see it as a special case. The three phases of this monumental endgame battle are so distinct from each other that they warrant individual consideration. That said, there isn’t much to say when it comes to “finding” this boss. All you need to do is defeat the first phase of the Erlang fight, and you’ll automatically transition into the Four Heavenly Kings fight after a cutscene.
Take a deep breath, though, because the first phase is by far the hardest. The Four Heavenly Kings phase feels more like a victory lap than a true challenge—yes, you’re outnumbered and often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of attacks, but each King’s attack inflicts minimal damage. Plus, every time you land a Heavy attack in your kaiju form, you heal a portion of your health. Just keep that in mind and focus on one King at a time until none are left. And enjoy the spectacle! This phase is quite the show!
Erlang Shen

Location: Secret: Mount Mei / Mei-Jian Peak (Chapter 3)
About boss: Erlang Shen represents the climactic final phase of the Erlang fight, automatically commencing as soon as you defeat the Four Heavenly Kings in the preceding phase. At this stage, Erlang returns to battle, revealing his true form to confront your colossal Stone Monkey guise.
In this phase, the risk of defeat increases compared to the Four Heavenly Kings encounter, as Erlang Shen deals significantly more damage, especially during his second phase. He can also keep you stunlocked if you forget to dodge. However, the overall strategy remains straightforward: unleash as many attacks as possible, use Rock Solid to deflect his assaults, and remember to heal yourself with Heavy Attacks.
Midway through the fight, a scripted event occurs where Erlang Shen unleashes a fire breath attack, burning away all your health. Don’t panic! Following this cutscene, you’ll regain all your health, and from that moment on, your attacks will inflict even greater damage. If you reach this point, you’re on the verge of defeating Erlang.
After you conquer Erlang and watch the extended cutscenes that follow, you’ll be rewarded with the only weapon in the game that rivals Sun Wukong’s Jingubang—the Tri-Point Double-Edged Spear. It’s an exceptional weapon, especially if you, like me, prefer the Thrust Stance!
Stone Monkey

Location: Birthstone / Heart Of Birthstone
About boss: The Stone Monkey serves as the initial phase of the climactic boss battle in *Black Myth: Wukong*. I’m listing the two phases separately because, similar to the encounters with Red Boy and Yaksha King in Chapter 5, defeating the first phase grants you a checkpoint. This way, if you die, you won’t need to replay the first phase before facing the second.
To encounter the Stone Monkey, you must first defeat the four main bosses of the Foothills, concluding with the Emerald-Armed Mantis. From the "Mantis-Catching Swamp" Shrine, ascend the nearby cliff (just as you did to reach the Giant Shigandang). However, this time, take an immediate left once you reach the top and follow the path into the Water Curtain Cave.
After a cutscene where you acquire the Jingubang staff, navigate through several groups of Warriors until you reach the "Peak Of Innocence" Shrine. Just in front of this Shrine is a large boulder you can interact with to access the "Birthstone" region, where the Stone Monkey boss fight takes place.
The first health bar of the Stone Monkey should be relatively quick and easy to deplete. He mainly attacks with standard swipes, but be cautious when he strikes the ground, as this unleashes shockwaves that you’ll need to jump over. Things become more complex during his second phase. In this phase, several unsettling events can unfold:
- The Stone Monkey emits a rapid and powerful ring of fire that expands outward before contracting back to him, requiring you to dodge it twice.
- At a certain health threshold, he splits into two Stone Monkeys, one using fire and the other using frost, who will attack together.
- Attempting to Immobilize either Stone Monkey will backfire, triggering their most powerful area-of-effect attacks immediately.
The strategy is to concentrate on one Monkey at a time. With the Jingubang equipped, build up to four Focus Points and unleash them to inflict massive damage. The Golden Lining Transformation is particularly effective against the enemy onslaught due to its ease of parrying. However, it’s wise to conserve most of your Mana for the Great Sage's Broken Shell fight if you plan to take down both Monkeys in a single attempt.
The Great Sage's Broken Shell

Location: Birthstone / Heart Of Birthstone
About boss: The Great Sage's Broken Shell represents the second phase of the Stone Monkey encounter, commencing immediately after you defeat the Stone Monkey in the Birthstone region. Fortunately, once you conquer the Stone Monkey, you won't have to face him again. If you die during the Great Sage's Broken Shell fight, he will still be waiting for you upon respawn, allowing you to start fresh from the second phase each time.
Now, we arrive at the final boss of the game. The Great Sage's Broken Shell is, in essence, Sun Wukong—or at least a part of him. This adversary is another monkey equipped with your armor, spells, stances, and abilities. He will utilize all of these quickly in an effort to overwhelm you, including crafty uses of Rock Solid and chaining Heavy Attacks across different stances.
Using Immobilize against the Great Sage's Broken Shell won't be effective for long. To gain the upper hand in this battle, consider these crucial tools:
- **Plantain Fan Vessel**: Invaluable for interrupting the Great Sage, leaving him vulnerable to extended damage.
- **Cloud Step**: Excellent for escaping when the Great Sage becomes too aggressive. Use it to heal and then strike for significant damage.
- **Wandering Wight Spirit**: No need for fancy tactics here—just unleash a massive amount of damage in one hit to shorten the fight.
- **Golden Lining Transformation**: Quick dodges and easy parries during this transformation make it extremely dangerous for the Great Sage.
Once you deplete the Great Sage's first health bar, you'll enter the second phase, where you’ll lose Sun Wukong's special Heavy Attack ability and the option to build up a fourth Focus Point without it depleting. However, the essence of the fight remains similar. One additional factor to keep in mind is healing: using your Gourd at a certain point will trigger a scripted event where the Great Sage steals it, drinks from it, and then returns it, costing you a charge while healing himself slightly. This moment is impressive but not a major concern as long as you have a Gourd stocked with plenty of healing charges.
While the Great Sage's Broken Shell is certainly a challenging encounter (as you would expect from the game’s final boss!), he is still less daunting compared to Erlang. Therefore, if you’ve already managed to defeat Erlang, you should find this battle considerably more manageable.