Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Finally Introduces Ultimate Gohan as a Transformation
The reveal trailer for the Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Super: Super Hero DLC pack has confirmed an exciting update—Ultimate Gohan is now a transformation rather than a standalone character.
While Sparking Zero boasts an impressive roster covering nearly every era of Dragon Ball, some fans have grown weary of its handling of certain forms. One long-standing issue has been the game’s tendency to treat specific transformations as separate characters, preventing players from transitioning naturally between forms. Examples like Goku’s Ultra Instinct Sign and Mastered forms, as well as the absence of fan-favorites like Super Saiyan Rage Trunks, highlight this frustration. However, perhaps the most notable oversight has been Ultimate Gohan, a transformation widely recognized in Dragon Ball media but previously treated as a standalone fighter in the game.

Ultimate Gohan Becomes a Transformation in Sparking Zero's DLC
Until now, players using Gohan could only transform up to Super Saiyan 2, with Ultimate being locked as a separate character. This design choice, lingering since the Budokai Tenkaichi era, has finally been addressed in Sparking Zero's "Hero of Justice" DLC pack. Launching in just a few days, the DLC introduces characters and transformations from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Gohan’s new in-game setup is particularly exciting, as it includes multiple transformations like Super Saiyan and even Beast, with Ultimate Gohan now integrated as part of his transformation lineup. The trailer confirms that players can seamlessly power up from base form to Ultimate without requiring an additional character slot, marking a long-awaited fix for fans.

For casual players, this change might seem minor, but for dedicated Dragon Ball enthusiasts, it’s a significant improvement that aligns with the movie and rectifies an issue more than a decade old. Additionally, Beast Gohan is confirmed as a transformation as well, complete with an in-game cutscene showcasing his shift into the ultra-powerful form.
This update not only brings new life to Sparking Zero but also reaffirms the game’s commitment to fan satisfaction, delivering a more authentic and exciting Dragon Ball experience.